Museum of Innocence
The architectural office Sunder-Plassmann recreated the « Museum of Innocence » for Orhan Pamuk the Turkish Nobel laureate in literature. His successful novel with the same name is the origin to this project. The three story high building in the historic city is only 4.5m wide and has a total area of 270 square meters. The 83 chapters of the book are represented in showcases inside the museum and are described by objects collected by the characters of the novel. The lighting concept was designed and created in a number of mockups and lighting tests in collaboration with Orhan Pamuk, the architects and the exhibition designers Johanna Sunder-Plassmann and Carlotta Werner. The subtle illumination of the exhibits supports the telling of the story of the book.
Museum / Culture
Istanbul, Turkey
architect / artist / designer
Sunder-Plasmann Architekten Kapplen
Jan Blieske​
photo credits
Carlotta Werner